Protect God's OceansDuring his first year in office, President Trump signed an executive order aimed at expanding offshore oil and gas exploration and drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. Citing concern for community health, environmental protection and economic concerns, this action was met with opposition from state leaders and businesses on both coasts.
As stewards of God's creation, we are asked to not only protect God's oceans but the people in nearby communities that rely on God's marine gifts. Offshore drilling would have negative impacts not only on marine life but on the health and economic wellbeing of coastal communities.Please join other religious leaders in opposing the expansion of offshore oil exploration and drilling by signing our religious leaders letter. If you are a lay person, please urge your religious leader to sign the letter and protect God's oceans and coasts. |
Dear President Trump and Secretary Zinke,
As religious leaders, we are grateful for the abundance of life amidst God’s marine creation, and we are committed to its responsible stewardship. We therefore write in opposition to expanded oil and gas drilling, as well as seismic testing, in public waters. Offshore drilling brings unacceptable risks to God’s oceans and coastal communities.
Faith communities are often first responders and long-term recovery workers in communities where disasters strike. We know painfully well the nature of oil spills’ immediate devastation as well as the necessity for decades of region-wide economic and ecological recovery. It is well documented that oil spills can wreak havoc on ecosystems, local businesses and residents alike. Seismic testing that often precedes offshore oil and gas development also harms marine life, including imperiled sea mammals and important fisheries. Offshore drilling poses an unacceptable risk to people who depend upon the oceans for food and jobs. No corporation or Administration can guarantee safety from pollution, oil spills, and harm to marine life.
Expanding drilling into our Arctic, Atlantic, Eastern Gulf of Mexico and Pacific waters—still largely unspoiled by drilling’s inherent hazards and harms—would newly put our coastal residents, businesses, oceans, and climate at grave risk. Exposing the Gulf of Mexico to additional drilling would further burden residents with the pollution and risks that have already caused great, lasting harm to the region.
We urge the Trump Administration to focus on investments in renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar, as well as maximize our energy efficiency, instead of looking to expand fossil fuel exploration in God’s ocean. God entrusts us to be good stewards of God’s oceans and coasts. Honoring this sacred duty will position our country as a global leader in ecotourism, marine conservation, and energy stewardship.
We ask you to join us as a steward of God’s oceans and to respect the local residents, businesses, and millions of Americans who have already made clear their support for preserving, not drilling off our nation’s beaches.
As religious leaders, we are grateful for the abundance of life amidst God’s marine creation, and we are committed to its responsible stewardship. We therefore write in opposition to expanded oil and gas drilling, as well as seismic testing, in public waters. Offshore drilling brings unacceptable risks to God’s oceans and coastal communities.
Faith communities are often first responders and long-term recovery workers in communities where disasters strike. We know painfully well the nature of oil spills’ immediate devastation as well as the necessity for decades of region-wide economic and ecological recovery. It is well documented that oil spills can wreak havoc on ecosystems, local businesses and residents alike. Seismic testing that often precedes offshore oil and gas development also harms marine life, including imperiled sea mammals and important fisheries. Offshore drilling poses an unacceptable risk to people who depend upon the oceans for food and jobs. No corporation or Administration can guarantee safety from pollution, oil spills, and harm to marine life.
Expanding drilling into our Arctic, Atlantic, Eastern Gulf of Mexico and Pacific waters—still largely unspoiled by drilling’s inherent hazards and harms—would newly put our coastal residents, businesses, oceans, and climate at grave risk. Exposing the Gulf of Mexico to additional drilling would further burden residents with the pollution and risks that have already caused great, lasting harm to the region.
We urge the Trump Administration to focus on investments in renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar, as well as maximize our energy efficiency, instead of looking to expand fossil fuel exploration in God’s ocean. God entrusts us to be good stewards of God’s oceans and coasts. Honoring this sacred duty will position our country as a global leader in ecotourism, marine conservation, and energy stewardship.
We ask you to join us as a steward of God’s oceans and to respect the local residents, businesses, and millions of Americans who have already made clear their support for preserving, not drilling off our nation’s beaches.